Nutrition for the eyes: These nutrients keep your eyes fit

Carotinoide sind spielen für die Augengesundheit eine wichtige Rolle

We all know the sayings and wisdom that our parents and grandparents always told us: "Carrots are good for the eyes" or "you eat with your eyes". Find out here how these sentences actually have anything to do with the health of our eyes and which diet is best for our eyes.

The topic of nutrition for the eyes is generally of great importance to the population. Our eyes are one of the most precious sensory organs available to us. We are constantly dependent on them. Whether it is when reading, working, driving a car or simply enjoying the beauty of our nature and surroundings. But which nutrients really keep the eyes fit and how can you support them with the right diet?

Why does “we eat with our eyes”?

The saying "You eat with your eyes" has more truth in it than many people would assume. Our eyes need a variety of nutrients every day to function optimally and stay healthy. In this respect, the food we eat every day plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving our eyesight. But which active ingredients do our eyes actually need to stay fit? A number of studies have shown that the following ingredients, among others, can be responsible for maintaining our eye health.

Eye nutrients as a synergistic triple active complex

Nutrition for the eyes - carotenoids, zinc and B vitamins are particularly important

1. Natural Lutein & Zeaxanthin from Marigolds

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two natural carotenoids that are found in high concentrations in the retina of the eye. These two ingredients can be crucial for eye health, especially for the macula, the central area of ​​the retina that is responsible for sharp vision.

Protection from harmful blue light

In our modern world, where the use of screens and digital devices is part of our daily lives, our eyes are at increased risk of exposure to harmful blue light. Lutein and zeaxanthin can act as natural filters that limit the penetration of this harmful light into the retina and thus protect the eyes from potential damage.

Protection against age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts

Taking lutein and zeaxanthin has been shown in studies to be effective in reducing the risk of AMD and cataracts. These eye diseases are often associated with aging and, in extreme cases, can significantly impair vision.

Improve contrast and color perception

Lutein and zeaxanthin also help improve the eye's ability to perceive contrast and color better. This can be particularly beneficial for activities such as driving after dark or reading dimly lit text.

2. Fast utilization: Bioavailable zinc bisglycinate

Zinc is an essential trace element that is essential for numerous functions in our body. Zinc also plays a crucial role in eye health - especially in the form of bioavailable zinc bisglycinate, as this can be quickly absorbed by the body.

To maintain normal vision

Zinc is an essential component of the rhodopsin molecule, which is found in the photoreceptors of our retina and plays a crucial role in vision, especially in low light conditions. A zinc deficiency can lead to a deterioration in night vision.

Protecting cells from oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is one of the main stresses of our time. It is largely caused by free radicals and can affect eye health. The trace element zinc acts as an antioxidant and protects the cells of the eyes from damage caused by free radicals.

Normalization of homocysteine ​​levels

An increased level of homocysteine ​​in the blood can increase the risk of vascular diseases and also eye diseases. Zinc can help regulate our homocysteine ​​levels and keep them at a healthy level.

3. Nutrition for the eyes: Vitamins B6, B9, B12 and zinc

The combination of vitamins B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12 play another crucial role in maintaining vision and eye health. They are relevant for various processes in the body:

Maintaining normal vision

Vitamins B6, B9, B12 and zinc are involved in various processes in the eyes that are crucial for maintaining clear and sharp vision. A deficiency in these nutrients can, in the worst case, lead to vision problems.

Normalization of homocysteine ​​levels

High levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood can damage the blood vessels in the eyes and increase the risk of vascular disease. Vitamins B6, B9 and B12 can help lower homocysteine ​​levels and thus promote eye health.

Less oxidative stress for the cells

Vitamins B6, B9, and B12 are considered powerful antioxidants for our body. They can protect the cells in our eyes from damage caused by free radicals.

A general improvement in nutrient absorption

Zinc and vitamins B6, B9 and B12 are also involved in the absorption of other important nutrients for the eyes. The utilization of lutein and zeaxanthin also plays a role here, as the absorption and effectiveness of these substances can be increased.

Well supplied with an optimal nutrient composition for your eyes

For the health of our eyes, we rely on full quality and effectiveness. The optimal nutrient composition of our diet plays a crucial role. This also includes choosing the right nutritional supplement that optimally supports your eyes.

The right combination of natural lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc bisglycinate and vitamins B6, B9, B12 can provide comprehensive support for eye health. These nutrients can also help maintain vision, normalize homocysteine ​​levels and protect cells from oxidative stress. A complex that contains an optimal combination of high-quality ingredients is Ophta PLUS . - the trusted option to supply your eyes with a variety of nutrients. This way, your eyes can also stay healthy and fit.

Couple cooking with fresh ingredients that contain valuable micronutrients for eye health

A healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fruit and fresh vegetables also plays an essential role in healthy eyes, healthy skin and a fit body. Support your health with foods that also support your well-being thanks to their numerous vitamins and trace elements.


Carotenoids are primarily natural pigments. They are found in many vegetables and fruits. They are responsible for the bright colors in foods and have a proven positive effect on eye health. Beta-carotene, which is found in carrots and sweet potatoes, is converted in the body into vitamin A, which is essential for our eyesight.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Fats don't always have to be bad. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fresh fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna, have potential anti-inflammatory properties and help keep the eyes moisturized. This is especially important for preventing what is known as "dry eye syndrome."

Lutein and zeaxanthin

As mentioned at the beginning, these substances are carotenoids, which are found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale. They also protect the eyes from harmful blue light and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Vitamin C

Citrus fruits, strawberries and peppers are particularly rich in vitamin C. It has a potential antioxidant effect and can protect our eyes from damage caused by free radicals.

Vitamin E

Almonds, sunflower seeds and nuts are excellent sources of vitamin E, which also promotes eye health by protecting cells from oxidative stress.


This trace element is found in beef, chicken and beans and plays an important role in maintaining vision.

Vitamin A

In addition to carrots, eggs, cheese and liver are also rich in vitamin A. This vitamin is crucial for the formation of rhodopsin. This pigment is needed in the photoreceptors of the retina, which helps in low light conditions.

Now that you know which nutrients are important for eye health, you may be wondering how you can make sure you get enough of them in your diet. The answer often lies in eating a balanced diet rich in the nutrients mentioned above. But it can also be difficult to get all the nutrients you need from food alone. In such cases, taking supplements may be considered.

Is the right diet enough?

Unfortunately, strengthening your eyes often requires more than just proper nutrition and strengthening them with high-quality nutritional supplements. There are various additional measures you can take to promote eye health and protect your vision.

● Regular check-ups: Visit your eye doctor regularly to ensure that your vision is optimal and to detect potential problems early.

● Protection from UV rays: Wear sunglasses with UV protection to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

● Limit screen time: Do you spend a lot of time in front of your screens? Remember to take regular breaks to give your eyes some relief.

● Healthy lifestyle: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can have a negative impact on eye health.

● Get enough sleep: Your body and eyes need enough sleep to recover.

● Eye exercises: There are various eye exercises that can help strengthen the eye muscles and improve blood circulation. Have you ever tried facial yoga?

Are eye vitamins useful as a supplement?

Eye vitamins are commonly understood to be special nutritional supplements that have been developed to support eye health. They usually contain a combination of the nutrients mentioned above that are essential for the eyes. The question of whether eye vitamins are useful depends on various individual factors.

In many cases, it is possible to obtain the necessary nutrients through a balanced diet alone. However, if you are having difficulty getting these nutrients in sufficient amounts, taking eye vitamins may be a useful supplement. This is especially true for people who already have certain eye conditions or people whose nutrient absorption is impaired by age or pre-existing medical conditions.

However, it is important to note that taking supplements is not a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you are unsure, always talk to a doctor or ophthalmologist to make sure the supplements you choose are suitable for your needs.

Do something good for your eyes – rely on bioavailable plant substances

The health of our eyes is of inestimable value for our daily lives and our well-being. This makes it all the more important to focus on an optimal diet for our eyes and to do something good for yourself and your health. As already mentioned, bioavailable plant substances are particularly irreplaceable for our eyes. In particular, foods that contain a lot of lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc and vitamin B should be increasingly integrated into our diet.

The natural carotenoids are particularly valuable here - they protect our retina from harmful influences and age-related diseases. But highly bioavailable natural food supplements, such as Ophta PLUS, can also have a supportive effect here. Ophta PLUS is a high-quality food supplement that can optimally support the health of your eyes. It has been specially formulated to meet the needs of your eyes and contains a carefully selected combination of bioavailable nutrients, including lutein, zeaxanthin, B vitamins and zinc.

What's special about Ophta Plus is that it not only has the potential to promote general eye health, but can also help reduce the negative effects of screen work and a modern lifestyle on the eyes. The high quality of the ingredients and the scientifically based formulation make Ophta Plus a trustworthy choice for anyone who wants to keep their eyes fit.

Healthy food & balanced nutritional supplements: The perfect diet for your eyes

Woman with healthy eyes

Our eye health is invaluable. They are one of the most important sensory organs in our body that significantly influence our daily lives. In order to maintain vision and protect the eyes from the challenges of modern life and aging, a healthy, fresh and balanced diet is of great importance. In addition, you can optimally support your eye health with the Ophta Plus eye complex and its synergistic 3-fold active complex.

The importance of various nutrients for eye health and in particular the role of lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc and vitamins B6, B9 and B12 are essential for this.

The natural carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are extracted from marigolds, can be crucial for the health of the retina and especially the macula. They protect the eyes from harmful blue light, help prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, and improve contrast and color perception. These carotenoids are an important part of a healthy diet and can be supplemented with dietary supplements such as Ophta PLUS from Cellavent.

Zinc in the form of bioavailable zinc bisglycinate is another crucial nutrient for eye health. It contributes to the maintenance of normal vision, regulates homocysteine ​​levels and protects eye cells from oxidative stress. The combination of zinc with vitamins B6, B9 and B12 enhances this effect and provides comprehensive support for eye health.

The use of clinically tested and recognized branded raw materials such as FloraGLO® and Quatrefolic can also be helpful here, as they stand for the highest quality and effectiveness. The use of these branded raw materials in nutritional supplements such as Ophta PLUS ensures that the nutrients are present in their best form and concentration to optimally support vision.

Overall, proper nutrition and supplementation is crucial to promote eye health and protect vision. With the support of high-quality products like Ophta PLUS from Cellavent, you can ensure that your

Eyes get the nutrients they need to stay healthy and fit. Invest in your eyes - they are worth it.


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