Turmeric: The valuable turmeric in Acurmin products
Turmeric, also known as turmeric root, is a traditional plant that has been valued in Asia for thousands of years. In this country, turmeric first became known as an exotic spice - for example in curry mixtures or as the basis for the popular trendy drink "golden milk". The golden yellow root is now becoming increasingly important in other areas as well.
Cellavent Healthcare has developed the Acurmin brand together with Oncotrition, a spin-off of the renowned Fraunhofer Institute. This combines innovative research and high-quality processing to make the properties of turmeric optimally available. Thanks to the special micellar technology in the Acurmin PLUS products, the curcumin in powder, capsule and depot form is particularly well absorbed.
Experience turmeric in the best quality and in practical forms that can be flexibly integrated into everyday life - whether for culinary or other applications.
What is turmeric?
Turmeric, also known as yellow root or Curcuma longa, is a plant from the ginger family. Its tubers look like ginger on the outside, but when cut open, the inside glows an intense orange - a characteristic feature that it owes to its curcuminoid content. Curcumin, a secondary plant substance, is particularly known for the plant's strong color and versatile uses.
Turmeric originally comes from Southeast Asia and India, where it has been used for thousands of years not only as an indispensable spice in the kitchen, but also as an important plant in traditional teachings such as Ayurveda. In its homeland, the yellow root is even considered sacred and is valued in numerous rituals.
Turmeric has long since found its way to other parts of the world, where it is used in many different ways - whether as an ingredient in curries, as a basis for the trendy drink "Golden Milk" or in innovative nutritional supplements. Its combination of tradition, versatility and bright appearance makes it an integral part of many cultures and modern applications.

The Turmeric Expert - Our Promise
Acurmin is one of Germany's leading turmeric brands and is characterized by particularly versatile therapeutic benefits . Turmeric, especially its active ingredient curcumin, has proven to be remarkably versatile. Acurmin offers a clear line of high-quality, therapeutic turmeric preparations that are tailored to the various needs of patients.
Acurmin® and the power of turmeric
Turmeric has proven itself over the centuries as a versatile remedy in traditional and modern applications. Cellavent Healthcare has set itself the task of researching the broadest and strongest therapeutic application potential of turmeric and its curcuminoids under the Acurmin brand and making it optimally usable for its customers. Turmeric and curcumin are now considered established ingredients in holistic and complementary therapy concepts . They are said to have positive effects on well-being and quality of life, which makes them valuable components of modern health approaches.
With Acurmin®, discover the advanced possibilities of turmeric use, which combine centuries-old tradition with modern research.

Strong partners for your effective turmeric product
When developing our products, we place the highest value on scientific standards and the safety of our customers. Through carefully selected raw materials and quality controls, including the C-14 method , we ensure that our Acurmin® products are free from contaminants and synthetic turmeric. This guarantees outstanding quality and sets new standards in turmeric research.
An important partner in this area is Oncotrition , a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Immunology and Cell Therapy. Its focus is on scientifically based analyses and the development of solutions for inflammation prevention.
Years of research with the highest standards in product quality make us your turmeric expert .
Kurkuma als Milch? Was ist eigentlich die goldene Milch?
Goldene Milch: Das ayurvedische Power-Getränk mit fermentiertem Kurkuma-Pulver
Die Goldene Milch, oft auch als Kurkuma Latte bezeichnet, hat sich zu einem echten Trend entwickelt. Ursprünglich stammt dieses wohltuende Getränk aus der indischen Ayurveda-Tradition, wo es aufgrund seiner vielseitigen Eigenschaften geschätzt wird. Doch was macht die Goldene Milch so besonders, wie wird sie zubereitet und welche Zutaten sind entscheidend? Wir verraten es Ihnen – und zeigen, warum unser Fermentiertes Bio-Kurkuma-Pulver – Acurmin ferment die perfekte Wahl für dieses Rezept ist.
Was steckt hinter der Goldenen Milch?
Die Goldene Milch hat ihren Ursprung in der alten indischen Ayurveda-Lehre, die auf einer ganzheitlichen Lebensweise basiert. Das Wort "Ayurveda" kommt aus dem Sanskrit und bedeutet übersetzt „Wissenschaft vom Leben“ („Ayus“ = Leben, „Veda“ = Wissen). Ziel ist es, Körper, Geist und Seele in Harmonie zu bringen – und die Ernährung spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle.
Die Goldene Milch gilt in der Ayurveda-Lehre als echtes Wohlfühlgetränk, das nicht nur köstlich schmeckt, sondern auch für mehr Ausgeglichenheit und Vitalität sorgt. Mit ihrer charakteristischen goldgelben Farbe und den hochwertigen Inhaltsstoffen hat sie längst den Weg in die moderne Ernährung gefunden – ob als morgendlicher Energie-Booster oder beruhigender Abendtrunk.
Goldene Milch selber machen – Mit Cellavent Healthcare & Acurmin ferment
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Micellar turmeric is a special form of turmeric in which curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is encapsulated using micellar technology. Micelles are small, spherical molecules that surround the curcumin, increasing its solubility in water. This significantly improves the absorption of curcumin in the body compared to regular turmeric.
Micellar turmeric works by increasing the bioavailability of curcumin. Curcumin is normally poorly water-soluble and is therefore only absorbed by the body in small quantities. Micellar technology converts the curcumin into a water-soluble form, which improves absorption in the intestine and thus increases the concentration of the active ingredient in the blood.
Micellar turmeric is produced through a process in which curcumin is treated together with an emulsifier and water in a high-pressure homogenizer. This process creates the micelles by having the emulsifier molecules envelop the curcumin and form a stable, water-soluble structure. This solution can then be further processed into various dosage forms such as capsules, liquids or powders.
Fermented turmeric is turmeric that has been treated through a fermentation process to increase its bioavailability and nutrient density. Fermentation converts the active ingredients in turmeric, particularly curcumin, into a form that is easier for the body to absorb and utilize.
Fermented turmeric is made by adding specific microorganisms, such as lactic acid bacteria, to turmeric powder or extract. These microorganisms break down the complex molecules in turmeric and convert them into simpler, more bioavailable forms. The process is similar to making fermented foods, such as yogurt or sauerkraut.