The challenge
Sleep is the simplest and cheapest anti-aging remedy in the world, yet we neglect it far too often. There are numerous products that promise to improve sleep quality. However, many of them are overdosed and can intensify this effect the next morning - the so-called hangover effect. In addition, unnecessary additives are often added to make the product more appealing without actually offering any added value.
Our sleep also has an impact on our health and our general well-being. Too little or unrefreshing sleep can lead to feeling tired and exhausted the next day.
Be6 Night form
Be6 offers a gentle solution for globetrotters with jet lag and anyone who wants to get to sleep more easily. The Night Formula combines pure melatonin in a liquid olive oil matrix with natural lemon balm extract . In contrast to the usual synthetic filler microcrystalline cellulose mixed with nano particles, we use olive oil, a real food with numerous valuable nutrients.
The well thought-out dosage of 0.5 mg of melatonin per daily dose ensures recovery without a hangover or habituation effect and does not contain any artificial additives.
Gentle through the night – strong into the day!
Melatonin: To support the sleep-wake rhythm. Melatonin shortens the time it takes to fall asleep and relieves the feeling of jet lag.*
Lemon balm: Traditionally used to promote relaxation and inner peace in the evening hours
*The positive effect on the feeling of jet lag is achieved by taking at least 0.5 mg of melatonin before going to bed on the first day of travel. If taken to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep, the positive effect is achieved from 1 mg of melatonin.

The new Ehrlich
The market is flooded with products that claim to be scientifically based and premium - bullshit. They are often enriched with cheap raw materials, incorrect dosage or nonsensical multi-ingredient mixtures - "fairground mixtures" as we call them. The aim is to offer as many trendy raw materials as possible in low dosages, usually without any benefit. Enough of that - it's about our health!
Our approach: At the start of product development, a team of scientific staff examines all relevant studies, including raw materials, dosages, dosage form and co-factors. Branded raw materials are analyzed for additives and manufacturing methods. Our interdisciplinary team of doctors, alternative practitioners, nutritionists and product developers then discusses the results and determines the next steps.
The difference: products with scientifically based recipes and real benefits. We only use the highest quality raw materials in study-based dosages and without unnecessary additives .
Honestly good for your health. Pinky Swear – Period!
Melatonin – your natural sleep companion
Melatonin is a hormone produced by the body that plays an important role in regulating our sleep-wake cycle . It counteracts the stress hormone cortisol, which is released during the day, especially during mental exertion. While cortisol keeps us active and alert during the day, melatonin ensures that we get tired in the evening and can sleep well. The sleep-wake cycle is our internal clock that helps us fall asleep and wake up at the right time. A balanced melatonin level not only helps us fall asleep, but also ensures a restful night's sleep.
Good to know: The benefits of melatonin are well documented. A 2022 meta-analysis examined 23 human clinical studies in which melatonin was administered for sleep disorders. The result was clear: melatonin improves sleep quality (1).

Optimal intake
Take 2 Pearlz daily with plenty of liquid 30 minutes before going to bed.
If necessary , for example to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep, take 4 Pearlz .
This is what it contains
Virgin olive oil, gelatin (beef), humectant: glycerin; thickener: beeswax, lemon balm extract, water, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin; melatonin, food coloring: chlorophyll (copper).
Ingredients | daily dose (2 Pearlz) |
extra virgin olive oil | 322 mg |
lemon balm extract | 20 mg |
Melatonin | 0.5 mg |
Warum haben wir die Dosierung von Melatonin nicht höher angesetzt?
Die Dosierung liegt in dem Bereich, der von der Europäischen Kommission für Lebensmittel-Sicherheit (EFSA) als sinnvoll, für die Verwendung sogenannter Healthclaims angesehen werden. Dabei handelt es sich um Aussagen zum gesundheitlichen Nutzen einer Substanz, die zu Werbezwecken verwendet werden kann. Höhere Dosierungen sind zwar nicht gefährlich, aber wahrscheinlich nicht von Nutzen.
FemBe nur drin, was auch wirkt und gut für dich ist. Period!
Sicher verpackt
- Vor Licht und Oxidation schützende HDPE Dose aus recycelbarem Plastik, lebensmittelecht, (keine Weichmacher, BPA) besonders leicht und damit praktisch im Alltag und für unterwegs.
- Praktische Mini-Pearlz aus natürlicher Rindergelatine, frei von Zusatzstoffen wie z. B. Carrageen.
Vegan? Wären wir gerne, sind es aber noch nicht, da wir aus gesundheitlichen Gründen auf Carrageen verzichten. Wir arbeiten an einer Lösung. Coming soon!
- trägt dazu bei, die Einschlafzeit zu verkürzen. Die positive Wirkung stellt sich ein, wenn kurz vor dem Schlafengehen 1 mg Melatonin aufgenommen wird.
- trägt zur Linderung der subjektiven Jetlagempfindung bei.
1) Fatemeh, G., Sajjad, M., Niloufar, R., Neda, S., Leila, S., & Khadijeh, M. (2022). Effectofmelatoninsupplementation on sleep quality: a systematic review and meta-analysis ofrandomizedcontrolledtrials. Journal ofneurology, 269(1), 205–216.
Nicht geeignet für Schwangere, Stillende und Kinder. Nach der Einnahme nicht mehr Autofahren und keine Maschinen bedienen. Bei Einnahme von Medikamenten Verzehr nur nach ärztlicher Rücksprache.
FAQ - The most frequently asked questions
The results can vary depending on individual sleep hygiene and needs. Usually, an effect occurs within minutes to about half an hour.
Good sleep hygiene contributes significantly to restful sleep. This means healthy lifestyle habits and behaviors that promote sleep quality. This includes avoiding overstimulation in the evening and instead favoring relaxing activities such as a walk, reading or relaxation exercises. It is equally important to establish a fixed sleep rhythm and stick to regular sleep times. Evening rituals can also help to prepare the body for the nightly rest phase.
No, at FemBe we focus on the essentials and therefore avoid unnecessary additives. Our products contain only high-quality branded raw materials and are developed taking into account the latest scientific findings.
Sleep disorders are those that occur at least three times a week over a longer period of time and experience problems falling asleep or staying asleep. These often lead to daytime tiredness, concentration problems or irritability. If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time and affect daily life, a doctor should be consulted.
Poor sleep can be caused by environmental factors such as noise, light, high temperatures or electronic devices. Personal factors such as stress, worry, irregular sleep patterns, eating late or consuming caffeine, as well as health problems or medications can also negatively affect sleep.
Its gentle effect ideally complements melatonin to promote restful sleep.
FemBe Night Formula is generally well tolerated. However, people with known allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients should consult a doctor before use. Excessive intake may cause dizziness.