Scientific Advisory Board

Our experts introduce themselves

Prof. Dr. Ingo Schellenberg

Professor für Chemie und Biochemie & klinischer Chemiker

"Ich bin überzeugt von den Cellavent Produkte, da sie sehr naturnah sind und die Biofunktionalität von Naturstoffen optimal zur Unterstützung einer gesunden Ernährung nutzen."

Bei der Cellavent als Gründungsmitglied der Cellavent Healthcare berät Prof. Dr. Ingo Schellenberg seit der ersten Stunde in der Produktentwicklung, insbesondere im Bereich pflanzlicher Wirkstoffe und Qualitätssicherung. Sein Studium der Chemie absolvierte er in Leipzig und Magdeburg und promovierte 1979 an der TH Magdeburg.  Anschließend leitete er verschiedene Abteilungen in der klinischen Chemie und Labordiagnostik. Seit 1993 ist er Professor für Chemie und Biochemie an der Hochschule Anhalt, wo er als langjähriger Direktor das Center of Life Sciences sowie des „Institute of Bioanalytical Sciences“ leitete. Prof. Schellenberg ist derzeit Vice President der medizinischen Fachgesellschaft zur Qualitätsverbesserung in der Laboratoriumsmedizin (INSTAND) und deren CEO.

Bioanalytik | Charakterisierung pflanzlicher Wirkstoffe | Qualitätssicherung der Allergie in vitro Diagnostik | Aromaanalytik (Sensorik, GC/O)

Portrait Dr. Hans-Ulrich Jabs

Dr. Hans-Ulrich Jabs, MD, PhD, MACP-ASIM

Specialist in internal medicine, geriatrician & biochemist

"During my research into the ingredients of the frankincense tree, I came across Bewellia from Cellavent Healthcare. Micellar frankincense extract optimizes bioavailability in my development of Boswellia nanoparticles for dermatology & cosmetic aesthetics."

Dr. med. Hans-Ulrich Jabs, specialist in internal medicine and qualified biochemist, is a scientific advisor to Cellavent Healthcare. After many years as an internist in clinics and his own practices, he is now a biochemist dedicated to metabolic research and nutritional medicine for a species-appropriate lifestyle in medical wellness. His main areas of interest include the ancient knowledge of healthy living (Ayurveda), phytomedicine and the bioavailability of plant ingredients in human metabolism. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Jabs shares his many years of expertise in publications, lectures and coaching for optimized health education in the 21st century.

Preventive medicine | Autonomous regulatory medicine | Medical wellness | Nutritional medicine

Dr. Anne-Christin Bansleben


"With FemBe we have succeeded in creating a product line that focuses specifically on women's needs in all phases of life. This holistic approach is particularly important to me, as the body's needs change over the course of life and this is particularly taken into account in this line from Cellavent."

Dr. Anne-Christin Bansleben has a doctorate in nutrition and has been working in product development for more than 20 years. She specializes in process and product development in the areas of analytical chemistry, plant science and microbiology. She is also particularly committed to sustainable consumption and environmentally friendly production.

Process and product development in the field of analytical chemistry | botany | microbiology

Portrait Dr. Anne-Christin Bansleben
Portrait Tobias Duven

Tobias D. Duven


 „Nicht nur die Sinnhaftigkeit der Produkte, sondern auch die Philosophie der Cellavent
Healthcare überzeugen mich, um langfristig mit diesen Produkten zu arbeiten.
Dank der langjährigen Zusammenarbeit weiß ich, dass von der Rohstoffauswahl bis
zur Fertigung ein äußerst hoher Qualitätsanspruch an den Tag gelegt wird. Diese
konsequente Ausrichtung macht die Cellavent so besonders.“

Seit der Gründung der Cellavent Healthcare steht Tobias Duven als starker
Sparingspartner an der Unternehmensseite. Als erfahrener Heilpraktiker setzt er
bei jedem Patienten auf einen ganzheitlichen und individuell abgestimmten
Therapieansatz. Bei der Behandlung spielt die Ernährung ebenso eine Rolle, wie
Bewegung, Gewohnheiten, aber auch die Selbstbeobachtung und -reflexion. Diese
umfassende Expertise und sein ganzheitlicher Blick auf Gesundheit machen ihn zu
einem wertvollen Partner für die Entwicklung neuer Produktideen.

Besonders die Veröffentlichung seines Buches über die Montmorency-Sauerkirsche
und der intensive Austausch über die vielfältigen positiven Effekte dieser
Frucht auf Schlaf, Gelenke und Harnsäure haben die Zusammenarbeit vertieft.

Autoimmunerkrankungen | Chronische Infektionen | Chronic Fatigue Syndrom (CFS/ME-CFS) | Darmerkrankungen | High-Performance-Medizin

Portrait Claudia Krüger

Claudia Krueger

PTA (pharmaceutical technical assistant)

"Cellavent Healthcare convinces me because it places particular emphasis on quality and effectiveness. Each product is developed on the basis of current scientific studies and the raw materials are selected according to the strictest criteria."

Claudia Krüger has been working in the healthcare sector since 2017. As a trained pharmaceutical technical assistant (PTA), she advises customers in the pharmacy every day and knows their wishes and needs. With these valuable insights, she advises Cellavent Healthcare. By studying nutritional sciences at the same time, she has also turned her great interest into a career. This allows her to combine her pharmaceutical expertise with the latest scientific findings in nutrition and health.

Pharmacy | Nutritional advice

Dipl.-oec.-troph. David Bansleben


"What I love about Cellavent Healthcare is the careful and scientifically based approach to product development and the fact that they can develop products of such high quality that I would use them myself."

David Bansleben began his career in research and development for
Functionality of secondary plant substances. He then worked in technology transfer
university research results and founded companies focusing on
sustainable solutions for vegetable leather tanning or biological
Plant strengthening in arid zones. As co-founder of Cellavent, his focus is now
on the development of preventive and therapeutically useful nutraceuticals and
innovative health concepts.

Functionality of secondary plant substances | Technology transfer | Preventive nutrition | Sustainability | Fermentation

Portrait David Bansleben
Portrait Robert Appuhn

Robert Appuhn

Alternative practitioner and certified nutritionist

"As a former self-employed therapist, it is above all a joy to see how my own high standards for natural, high-quality products are reflected in the satisfaction and gratitude of customers and patients."

Through his independent work as a naturopath, Robert Appuhn was able to gain many years of experience in naturopathy, particularly in the areas of TCM, acupuncture and chiropractic. As a certified nutritionist, he expanded his knowledge, particularly in the areas of orthomolecular medicine and vital substance therapy, and dealt intensively with the individual influences of nutrition on health.
Cellavent Healthcare has been with Robert Appuhn since the very beginning of his career over 10 years ago and is available to therapists as a contact person for questions about kindgesund and Cellavent products.

Nutritional advice | Micronutrients | Orthomolecular therapy

Christina Ioannidis

Midwife, health and nursing assistant, alternative practitioner

"I first became aware of the Cellavent company at a midwifery conference because their holistic philosophy for the family immediately appealed to me. With their child-health products, I was able to see for myself whether they actually do what they promise. I like this transparency."

After completing her midwife training in 1995, Christina Ioannidis knew that she wanted to continue learning about naturopathy for her work. Here she found all the treatment methods that helped expectant mothers and later her own child to gently identify the causes of their health issues and problems and treat them. In 2013, she then completed the naturopath exam, which opened the door to holistic treatment methods for her. She supplemented her extensive specialist knowledge with 2 years of osteopathy studies and training in the areas of NLP & hypnosis, pre- and postnatal yoga and hypnobirthing 2.0.

Holistic women's and children's medicine | Aromatherapy | Phytotherapy | Ear acupuncture | Therapeutic women's massage | Inner child work

Portrait Cristina Ioannidis