Fresh and safe Omega-3 for young and old
Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for our health and the development of our children. But many conventional products do not even come close to keeping their promises. For this reason, we have developed WHITE OMEGA, the fresh and safe Omega-3. Our products are thought through down to the smallest detail to ensure that they are probably the safest and freshest Omega-3 on the market. Oxidation protection is very important to us, because the best Omega-3 fish oil is worthless if it oxidizes. With our unique freshness concept and optimally dosed products for children, adults and pregnancy, we set ourselves apart from other manufacturers and create new quality standards.
What you should pay attention to
The best Omega-3 product is a fish oil or algae oil, which must meet the following quality parameters. To protect your health and that of your children:
- Origin: Fish from clean fishing areas (South Pacific/Chile)
- Raw material: Small fish such as anchovies, naturally low in pollution
- Processing: TOTOX value 100 times below EU pollutant values, fast processing to avoid oxidation
- Dosage: Balanced high ratio of DHA to EPA (min. 300mg DHA and 400mg EPA)
- Packaging: To minimize oxidation, blister packs are best compared to oils in bottles or capsules in cans
- Storage: Cold storage until shipping reduces harmful oxidation, which hardly any manufacturer does

For heart, eyes and brain
Omega-3 fatty acids are used as a flexible building block for the shell of every single cell in our body, especially in the brain. All WHITE OMEGA contain an optimal ratio of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. DHA supports the normal function of the brain and maintains vision*. Together with EPA, DHA also supports heart function** if you take 250 mg of omega-3 fatty acids daily. The recommended minimum amounts are of course met in our preparations. In addition to classic fish oil capsules, we also offer vegan alternatives with omega-3 from algae oil.
Omega-3 for adults
OMEGA-3 fish oil capsules
WHITE OMEGA PLUSHigh-dose, pure fish oil with 1,000 mg of essential omega-3 fatty acids as well as 400 mg EPA and 300 mg DHA per daily dose.
Vegan Omega-3 Algae Oil Capsules
WHITE OMEGA vegan is the first vegan algae oil with a high content of DHA (450 mg) and EPA (225 mg) per daily dose.
Omega-3 for mom and child
Omega-3 Pregnancy
WHITE OMEGA Mama is a fish oil specially developed for women to provide optimal omega-3 supply before, during and after pregnancy. In mini Pearlz for easy consumption.
Omega-3 fish oil for children
With WHITE OMEGA Kids, your children receive the essential omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA in perfect synergy for the development of the brain, eyes and heart.
Vegan Omega-3 Algae Oil for Children
WHITE OMEGA Kids vegan offers a DHA-rich, purely plant-based omega-3 alternative for children. The algae oil Pearlz are characterized by a particularly gentle and safe production process.
WHITE OMEGA quality promise
Fresh fish oil
- High-dose, balanced DHA & EPA levels
- Fresh fish oil (excellent TOTOX value)
- Up to 100 times lower than EU pollutant levels
- 100% certified wild caught (FOS)
- Tasteless, no burping
- Free from additives such as sugar, sweeteners, colours or flavourings

Fresh algae oil
- High doses of DHA and EPA
- Fresh algae oil (excellent TOTOX value)
- Vegan capsule made from tapioca starch, carrageenan-free
- Sustainable source of Omega-3, without harming the marine ecosystem
- Algae oil with natural EPA content
- Made in Germany
Where premium quality ends, our standards only begin

Safe ingredients
Up to 100 times lower than EU pollutant levels

Correctly dosed
DHA & EPA optimally balanced

Odourless and tasteless
No burping

Without additives
Without sugar, sweeteners, flavourings and colourings
Sustainability & Responsibility
To protect the environment, we rely on sustainable fishing . Thanks to small fishing boats and the avoidance of bottom trawling, bycatch is avoided and fish stocks are protected. We are therefore FOS (Friend of the Sea) certified : Friend of the Sea® is an internationally respected non-profit organization with the goal of preserving the global marine habitat. With every product sold, we also support the “The Ocean Cleanup®” project . Cleaning up the oceans is close to our hearts.

Mehr Wissen über Omega-3 View all
FAQ - The most frequently asked questions
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids that are important for many body functions, including heart health and brain function. There are three main types of omega-3 fatty acids: ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
Algae oil is a good plant-based alternative to fish oil, especially for vegetarians and vegans. It also contains EPA and DHA and can have similar health benefits.
Omega-3 can have a blood-thinning effect. Therefore, it should not be taken with other blood-thinning medications without consulting a doctor. It should also not be supplemented with high doses of vitamin E without medical advice.
- Omega-3-Fettsäuren, insbesondere EPA und DHA, tragen zur Gesundheit des Herzens bei, indem sie den Blutdruck regulieren, die Blutfettwerte verbessern und Entzündungen reduzieren. Regelmäßige Einnahme von Omega-3 kann das Risiko von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen verringern und die allgemeine Herzgesundheit unterstützen.
DHA ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Zellmembranen im Gehirn und spielt eine zentrale Rolle für die Gehirnfunktion. Es unterstützt die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit, fördert das Gedächtnis und hilft, altersbedingte neurodegenerative Erkrankungen zu verhindern. Besonders während der Schwangerschaft und Kindheit ist DHA entscheidend für die Gehirnentwicklung.
Für Veganer sind Algenöl und Leinsamenöl die besten pflanzlichen Quellen für Omega-3. Algenöl enthält DHA und EPA, die direkt vom Körper verwendet werden können, während Leinsamenöl reich an ALA (Alpha-Linolensäure) ist, die der Körper in DHA und EPA umwandeln kann. Vegane Omega-3-Kapseln aus Algenöl sind eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für die vegane Ernährung.
Hochwertiges Omega-3-Fischöl sollte einen geringen TOTOX-Wert haben, was bedeutet, dass es gut vor Oxidation geschützt ist. Es sollte aus nachhaltigem Fischfang stammen, vorzugsweise von kleinen Fischen wie Anchovis, die weniger Schadstoffe enthalten. Achten Sie auch auf eine geschmacksneutrale Form und eine zertifizierte Wildfangquelle (z.B. FOS).
Die FOS-Zertifizierung (Friend of the Sea) bestätigt, dass das Omega-3-Produkt aus nachhaltigem und verantwortungsbewusstem Fischfang stammt. Diese international anerkannte Zertifizierung gewährleistet, dass der Fischfang die meeresbiologischen Ressourcen schützt und keine schädlichen Auswirkungen auf das maritime Ökosystem hat. Produkte mit diesem Zertifikat tragen dazu bei, die Ozeane für kommende Generationen zu bewahren.