Lower cholesterol levels naturally in 3 simple steps – without side effects or intensive exercise!

Cholesterinspiegel natürlich senken in 3 einfachen Schritten – ohne Nebenwirkungen oder intensiven Sport!
Do you want to lower your cholesterol naturally? Without exercise, side effects or strenuous diets? Then please pay close attention now.

Unfortunately, the following story happens far too often. Someone goes to the doctor for a routine check-up. They suspect nothing bad. Suddenly they get the terrible news. The total cholesterol level is too high. The triglycerides are over 200. Their thoughts now revolve around heart attacks, strokes, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and diabetes.

The fear is there and now the affected person wants to change something about their lifestyle. But what? Take medication for life that often doesn't help and can sometimes cause serious side effects and pain? Go on radical diets, become vegan or fast? Submit to a tough exercise program?

To be clear: this is absolutely not necessary. It can even be harmful if someone doesn't know what they are doing. There is a simpler, more convenient and more effective solution to lower cholesterol . A solution that is sensible and works in the long term. It is just important that you avoid a few mistakes. We will explain what these mistakes are below.

Cholesterol, the “silent killer”?

Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide! Experts call high blood pressure , which is caused by high cholesterol levels and "clogged arteries", the "silent killer". You can't see it, you can't hear it, and you can't feel it. And that's exactly what makes this silent killer so dangerous. But you can now breathe a sigh of relief. You've caught the "silent killer" sneaking up on you. With the knowledge you've gained today, abnormally high cholesterol levels can be a thing of the past forever.

Avoid this mistake when lowering cholesterol

One of the biggest mistakes when trying to lower cholesterol is to go to extremes. You don't have to read health books, count calories, or eat loads of psyllium husks or red rice. You also don't have to avoid fatty or animal products entirely. If animal fats alone were the problem, then the Inuit, who mainly eat seal meat in the Arctic, would increasingly suffer from high cholesterol and heart attacks. But the opposite is the case, as a study of the indigenous Inuit people¹ shows.

First, we need to identify the real culprit for abnormally high cholesterol levels and heart attacks and understand what the role of cholesterol is in the body . We will now explain this and how you can lower your cholesterol levels naturally in 3 very simple steps.

Step 1: Understanding what cholesterol is

Cholesterol is not a culprit! It is an extremely important substance and building block in the body. Each of your cell walls needs cholesterol. Many hormones need cholesterol. Your digestion needs cholesterol. Your body even produces 90% of the cholesterol itself.

High cholesterol alone is not a problem. The problem only arises when there is too little HDL cholesterol and cholesterol "clogs your arteries". To prevent this from happening, let's talk about chronic inflammation² , the ratio of HDL cholesterol to LDL cholesterol and the all-important omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids .

LDL cholesterol needs HDL cholesterol to balance it out

Your total cholesterol in the blood is divided into two different forms, HDL and LDL. One important job of cholesterol is to repair "micro-tears" and minor inflammation in the blood vessels.

In order for these micro-tears to heal, the LDL cholesterol covers them like a plaster². There is a little inflammation and the repair takes place. However, once the repair work is complete, the body also needs enough HDL cholesterol to transport the cholesterol plaster back to the liver.

If HDL cholesterol and omega-3 fatty acids are missing

Salmon with green asparagus served on a grey plate.

But now there are two problems. If important building blocks are missing to complete the repair process or if the inflammation of the vessels becomes chronic due to too little Omega 3 and too much Omega 6 in the diet, then the inflammation remains permanent and more and more LDL adheres. The "plaster" sticks and the "veins" become more and more blocked. Blood pressure rises and the risk of cardiovascular disease increases dramatically.

The first step is to understand that cholesterol alone is not the problem. Fear of cholesterol is counterproductive. Stress and fear have been proven to promote heart attacks and high cholesterol levels.³ Instead of demonizing cholesterol and blood fats in general, it is important to pay attention to a healthy ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol. How can you do that? With a natural diet and enough omega-3 fatty acids .

So take a deep breath and move on to step 2.

Step 2: Eat a balanced and natural diet

Ready-made products and animal products from factory farming have a high level of omega-6 fatty acids and hardly any omega-3 fatty acids. Fresh, wild-caught fish has a very high level of omega-3 fatty acids . Unfortunately, wild-caught fish is now very rare and when it is available, it is often contaminated with heavy metals.

One of the best and easiest ways to incorporate more omega-3 fatty acids into your diet and protect yourself from heart disease is to regularly consume high-quality, cold-pressed olive oil . It is important that the olive oil is rich in polyphenols . Polyphenols have been proven to protect your blood vessels.*

O'liv Plus olive oil is a therapeutic-grade oil and has been specially developed for people who want to protect themselves from high blood fats * and cholesterol **. It is a very simple and tasty way to greatly increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids and perfectly balance your HDL and LDL ratio in your diet. The polyphenol content is tested for each batch. This means you can be sure that the ingredients are working in your body.

On the left, an older couple smiling and on the right, a bottle of O'Liv PLUS. But there are a few other very important points for your diet. Here is an overview:

  1. Reduce white table sugar . Sugar increases LDL cholesterol and contributes to heart attacks.⁴
  2. Reduce convenience foods and highly processed foods. Anything that your great-grandmother didn't know about and has a long list of ingredients is no longer considered natural food. Focus on real food.
  3. Integrate more omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. O'liv Plus olive oil with its very high polyphenol content is perfect for this.

Step 3: Move in a way that you enjoy

Sport is murder? Or should you submit yourself to a strict and hard training program? Not necessary! The best training program is one that you enjoy. So that you want to do it regularly. Whether you go for a walk, play table tennis, garden or lift weights, it's completely up to you.

It is important that you exercise for 2-3 hours every week . Of course, you can do more if you want. Exercise stimulates blood circulation and LDL cholesterol can be transported back to the liver and converted with the help of HDL cholesterol.

Lowering cholesterol can be easy

Fruits, vegetables, sports equipment on a light green background with lines of a heart rate.

Imagine what it will be like to have balanced cholesterol levels again and to regain full confidence in your body! You will feel vital! With a healthy heart and strong blood vessels !

It's easy to implement these three small steps. All you have to do is reduce a few unhealthy things in your diet and instead include more protective fatty acids and polyphenols . If you want, with our therapeutic quality O'liv Plus . Add to that regular exercise , a good portion of zest for life and you've done it. It can be that easy to lower your cholesterol level naturally.

Lower cholesterol naturally – patience is rewarded

One thing cannot be denied, however - statins and cholesterol-lowering medications work very quickly. The laboratory will be able to detect this after just a few days. With the polyphenol- rich olive oil O'Liv PLUS , however, you will only see the first results on the laboratory report after a few weeks . Your body gradually adjusts and there is no medication to interfere with fat metabolism, as is the case with statins. However, the result is long-lasting and you do not need any medication.

Take the first step today

Be assured: The hardest thing is always taking the first step. And you can take that first step today. A step towards a healthy and vital life. Without having to live with heavy medication and unpleasant side effects.


(1) Hu XF, Kenny TA, Chan HM. Inuit Country Food Diet Pattern Is Associated with Lower Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2018 Jul;118(7):1237-1248.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2018.02.004. Epub 2018 Apr 21. PMID: 29685826.

(2) https://www.livermedic.com/high-cholesterol-chronic-inflammation/

(3) Meguro K, Svensson T, Chung UI, Svensson AK. Associations of work-related stress and total sleep time with cholesterol levels in an occupational cohort of Japanese office workers. J Occup Health. 2021 Jan;63(1):e12275. doi: 10.1002/1348-9585.12275. PMID: 34679211; PMCID: PMC8535434.

(4) https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/herzinfarkt-hoher-zucker-verbrauch-laesst-das-herz-verfetten-20200704517930/

*Olive oil polyphenols help protect blood lipids from oxidative stress. (EU Regulation 432/2012)

**Omega-6 (linoleic acid) contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. (EU Regulation 432/2012)