Are there any side effects from eating sour cherries?

Do sour cherries have side effects?
Many studies have already been carried out on the effects and tolerability of sour cherries. No significant side effects have been identified in these studies so far. However, since it is a fruit and some people can only tolerate certain amounts of fructose, symptoms such as diarrhea or stomach pain can occur in some cases (2). However, this usually only happens when consuming quantities of more than 500 grams . However, this does not mean that such an amount is harmful or even dangerous. If you can tolerate it, you can eat significantly more sour cherries. In fact, animal experiments have even shown that they can have a positive effect on the intestinal microbiome and thus on digestion . This is also true because sour cherries have a high fiber content , which stimulates intestinal activity (3). It is therefore best to find out your own tolerance by experimenting on yourself.
Can you be allergic to sour cherries?
In principle, you can have an allergic reaction to any food. This can also happen suddenly, even if you were previously able to eat the product that triggered it without any problems. A food allergy often manifests itself with nausea, vomiting, stomach pain or diarrhea . However, these symptoms can also occur if you have eaten or drunk too much at once. This should be taken into account before assuming that you have an allergy. Other symptoms include itching, skin rashes or swelling in the mouth.
In severe cases, an allergic reaction can cause the airways to swell and thus lead to breathing problems. However, such severe reactions are rare and are usually observed in cases of allergies to insect stings or medications. Some people who are allergic to birch pollen have a so-called cross allergy. In this case, they react not only to one substance, but also to various fruits. This includes several types of cherries. If you have a known birch pollen allergy, you should therefore avoid consuming sour cherries (4).
Are sour cherries bad for your teeth?
Sour cherries contain around 4.7 grams of fructose per 100 grams. For comparison: 100 grams of cola contains 9 grams of sugar, while apple juice contains 10 grams of sugar. Sour cherries and their juice should therefore only be enjoyed in moderation , as too much sugar intake can be unhealthy. For example, too much sugar can impair dental health and lead to tooth decay. This is particularly the case if the juice is drunk in the evening after brushing your teeth, because it then remains in contact with the teeth all night long. It is therefore advisable to drink the juice before brushing your teeth in the evening so that you can clean your teeth thoroughly afterwards. Sugary drinks should generally be consumed in moderation. It does not matter what type of sugar it is (5). Sour cherries are not bad for your teeth per se. Rather, it depends on how and when you consume them.
Do you have to avoid sour cherries if you have diabetes?
People with diabetes are of course particularly careful not to consume too much sugar. Due to their low sugar content, sour cherries are considered to be low in sugar (6). Therefore, they can also be eaten by people with diabetes without any problems. Studies even indicate that sour cherry juice can lower blood sugar and thus even have a positive effect on the health of diabetics. This effect is mainly due to the polyphenols, i.e. secondary plant substances, contained in cherries. Polyphenols can stimulate the cells of the pancreas to produce insulin , which lowers blood sugar levels (7,8). However, it is currently unclear whether the results of this animal study can be directly transferred to humans. In principle, diabetics can eat sour cherries just like any other fruit.
Who should not eat sour cherries?
There are basically only a few groups of people who should avoid sour cherries. If you are generally more sensitive to fructose, it is advisable to try a small amount of sour cherries first and wait to see how your body reacts. If you have a known allergy to birch pollen, you should also be careful , as a cross-allergy can occur. In this case, eating cherries would also lead to an allergic reaction. All other people can consume sour cherries and their juice without any problems.
The most important things in brief
Sour cherries are not only delicious, but also contain many different vitamins and nutrients such as vitamins A, B and C (1).
Due to their high fruit acid content, they are also often used for cooking or baking
- They are also available as a therapeutic preparation – these are enriched with the secondary plant substances found in sour cherries
Nä Sour cherry nutritional values (accessed on October 2, 2024)
National Capital Poison Center: What are side effects of tart cherry juice?,to%20certain%20types%20of %20cherries . (accessed on October 2nd, 2024)
Othaim, Ayoub Al/Daya Marasini/Franck Carbonero: Impact of increasing concentration of tart and sweet cherries juices concentrates on healthy mice gut microbiota, in: Food Frontiers, Vol. 1, No. 3, September 1st, 2020, [online] doi: 10.1002/fft2.46, pp. 224–233.
Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care: Food Allergy (accessed on October 2, 2024)
Bavarian State Dental Association: Eating and drinking for healthy teeth,Z%C3%A4hne%20werden%20demineralisiert%2C%20Karies%20entsteht . (accessed on October 2, 2024)
German Nutrition Society: Sugar content,g%20Zucker%20pro%20100%20g (accessed on 02.10.2024)
Bolleddula Jayaprakasam et al: Insulin Secretion by Bioactive Anthocyanins and Anthocyanidins Present in Fruits, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2005: 53 (1), 28-31 (2) Robert A. Jacob et al: Consumption of Cherries Lowers Plasma Urate in Healthy Women, Journal of Nutrition 2003: 133 (6), 1826-1829
Moosavian, Seyedeh Parisa/Maryam Maharat/Mahla Chambari/Fateme Moradi/Mehran Rahimlou: Effects of tart cherry juice consumption on cardio-metabolic risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials, in: Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Vol. 71, August 28, 2022, [online] doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2022.102883, p. 102883.