How parents can help their children reduce stress and find relaxation

Gestresstes Kind macht mit seiner Mutter Hausaufgaben

Why are children stressed?

Children are exposed to many stress factors in our modern world. School pressure, social conflicts, family tensions and a busy schedule can quickly lead to overwhelm. These stressful influences can have a negative impact on children's well-being and health. Even at a young age, children are often confronted with high expectations, whether through school requirements or activities in their free time. The constant availability of digital media can also lead to sensory overload, which also triggers stress.

How do you recognize stress in children?

Parents can recognize signs of stress in their children through various symptoms. Common complaints include:

  • Physical symptoms: headaches, stomach aches, sleep problems and changes in eating habits.
  • Emotional symptoms: irritability, tearfulness and withdrawal from social activities.
  • Behavioral changes: Sudden fluctuations in performance at school, aggressiveness or atypical behavior.

These symptoms can be an indication that your child is under stress. It is important to be alert and take changes in the child's behavior seriously.

Which relaxation techniques help children?

There are numerous techniques that can help children relax and reduce stress. Here are some tried and tested methods:

  1. Breathing exercises: Through targeted breathing techniques, children can learn to calm themselves down quickly. A simple exercise is to consciously breathe in and out, with the child counting to four when breathing in and to six when breathing out.

  2. Yoga and meditation: These practices promote physical and mental relaxation. There are yoga exercises and child-friendly meditation techniques specially adapted for children that can be learned in a playful way.

  3. Listen to music: Soothing music can have an instant relaxing effect. Create a playlist of gentle sounds or nature noises that can help your child relax.

  4. Creative activities: Painting, drawing or crafts often have a calming effect and allow children to express and release their feelings.

  5. Experience nature: Spending time outdoors can do wonders for reducing stress. Whether it's a walk in the woods, a day at the lake or just playing in the park - nature offers many opportunities for relaxation.

  6. Mindfulness exercises: Mindfulness exercises can help children stay in the moment and calm their minds. A simple exercise is to consciously notice five things that you can see, hear, feel, smell and taste.

  7. Reading: A good book can transport children to another world and help them forget the stress of everyday life.

  8. Sports and exercise: Regular physical activity is an excellent stress reliever and promotes good health at the same time. Sports such as swimming, cycling or dancing can be fun and reduce stress at the same time.

Our insider tips for relaxation for children

In addition to the common methods, there are also less well-known but equally effective techniques that can help children relax and reduce stress:

  1. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR):

    • How does it work? In progressive muscle relaxation, children tense and relax different muscle groups one at a time. This is often done in a quiet environment, with guidance or an audio recording to help. For example, children clench their fists for about five seconds and then release them while focusing on the feeling of relaxation. This method can help identify and reduce physical tension.
  2. Guided imagination journeys:

    • How does it work? Guided imagery takes children mentally to relaxing places. Parents or teachers tell calming stories in which children imagine themselves on a beach, in a forest or on a cloud. Through detailed descriptions of sounds, smells and images in the story, the child is transported to a calming and safe environment that helps reduce stress.
  3. Aromatherapy:

    • How does it work? Aromatherapy uses essential oils to create a relaxing atmosphere. Parents can use a diffuser or scented stone in the child's room to emit scents such as lavender or chamomile. These scents have a calming effect on the nervous system. It is important to ensure that the scents are not too strong and are specifically suitable for use on children.
    • For this we recommend our products for well-being ( Here )
  4. Biofeedback:

    • How does it work? Biofeedback uses sensors that are connected to the body to measure physiological reactions to stress, such as heart rate, breathing or skin temperature. Children can see on a screen how their body functions change in real time. Through targeted relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, they learn to control and regulate these reactions, which in the long term leads to better stress management.
  5. Perception exercises:

    • How does it work? Perception exercises help children to focus on the moment and to consciously use their senses. One exercise could be to feel different materials and describe the sensations. Another option is to focus on the sounds in the environment, such as the chirping of birds or the sound of the wind. These exercises promote mindfulness and help children to relax.
  6. Relaxation baths:

    • How does it work? A warm bath with relaxing bath products such as lavender or lemon balm can have a calming effect on children. The warm water and soothing scents help to relieve muscle tension and relax the mind. Parents can also play soothing music or read a story to deepen relaxation.

Tips for a stress-free everyday life

To make everyday life less stressful, parents can take the following measures:

  1. Structured daily routine: A clear and predictable daily routine gives children security and reduces stress. Set times for meals, homework, free time and sleep help to establish a regular rhythm.

  2. Schedule free time: Make sure your child has enough time for free play and relaxation. Unstructured time is important so that children can express their creativity and relax.

  3. Open communication: Talk to your child regularly about their feelings and worries. Show interest in their everyday life and listen actively. This will make your child feel taken seriously and understood.

  4. Sufficient sleep: Make sure your child gets enough sleep to be rested and balanced. A regular sleep-wake rhythm and a quiet sleeping environment are crucial.

  5. Healthy diet: A balanced diet also helps to manage stress. Make sure your child has an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals, which are important for their well-being.

How can I help my child identify his stressors?

Children are often unable to identify and name their stressors. Parents can help by discussing and analyzing possible stress factors with their child. Observe your child's behavior and try to identify the triggers for stress. Open and supportive communication is crucial here. Encourage your child to talk about their feelings and offer support when they need it.


Stress in children is a serious issue that can have both physical and psychological effects. With the right relaxation techniques and a supportive environment, parents can do a lot to reduce their children's stress and help them lead a balanced and relaxed everyday life. Through open communication, structured daily routines and targeted relaxation exercises, you can help your child to better deal with the challenges of everyday life.

List of sources

  1. Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). Stress in children. Available at:
  2. German Youth Institute. Stress in childhood and adolescence. Available at:
  3. AOK. Relaxation for children. Available at:
  4. Techniker Krankenkasse. Relaxation for children. Available at:
  5. Relaxation in everyday life. Available at: