Tips on how your child can sleep better – rituals, temperature & essential oils

Child sleeping peacefully, hugging a teddy bear in soft lamp light.

How to get your child to sleep like a baby.

If your child doesn't sleep well or doesn't want to sleep at all, it can be very stressful for the whole family - especially if you hardly get any sleep yourself.
We already know tips like reducing screen time in the evening, eating less sugar and eating light meals before going to bed.

But what if none of this helps? What if going to bed is still a challenge? Find out now what really helps us.

Tip 1: Drive down

Create a calm and pleasant atmosphere in which you and your child can end the day in a relaxed manner. Whether you read a book together, talk about the day, say a prayer or have another evening ritual - this time together helps you to calm down and make the transition to sleep smooth. Such rituals give your child a sense of security and safety, which makes it easier to fall asleep and improves sleep overall.

A child smiling while reading a book in bed, with an adult next to them.
Child sleeping in a bed with a teddy bear next to them.

Tip 2: The right temperature

Make sure to ventilate the child's room well before going to bed to let in fresh air. A cool room temperature between 16 and 18 degrees is ideal, as the body can fall asleep better in a cool environment. In addition, darkness plays a crucial role: it signals to the body that it is time to sleep. Darken the room as much as possible to switch off light sources that could disturb sleep. With the right combination of fresh air, optimal temperature and darkness, you create the best conditions for a restful night.

Tip 3: Essential oils

Essential oils can be a gentle aid to your child's sleep. Lavender oil is particularly popular because it has a calming effect and naturally relaxes the body. You can add a few drops to a diffuser or dilute the oil with a carrier oil and gently massage it onto your child's temples or the soles of their feet. Chamomile and mandarin are also good alternatives to create a calm atmosphere. Make sure to only use oils that are suitable for children and use the right amount to safely promote your child's sleep.

Close-up of purple lavender flowers in a soft, dreamy light.
A child sleeps in bed with a teddy bear and a cute lamp on the nightstand.

Tip 4: Night light

A night light can be a calming solution for children to alleviate fears of the dark and create a relaxed sleeping environment. It is important that the light is soft and warm so as not to disturb the sleep rhythm. Red or orange light is particularly suitable as it has less of an effect on melatonin production. Make sure that the night light is placed discreetly to avoid unnecessary shadows that could trigger anxiety. With the right night light, your child will feel safe and can fall asleep more easily.

Discover selected essential oils for calm and relaxing evenings

Our recommendations

Bio-Schlaf Wohl Roll-On - child-healthy


Bio-Schlaf Wohl Room Spray - child-healthy


Organic Lavender Aroma Oil - child-healthy


Organic Sandman Evening Greeting Honey for Children – healthy for children


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