How healthy are vitamin gummies for children?

Offen liegender Nahrungsergänzungsmittel-Behälter, wo rote Vitamin-Gummies auf den Tisch kullern

Vitamin gummies are polarizing. They are cheap, colorful and available everywhere. However, there are a few things to consider when taking highly concentrated nutritional supplements in this form. We'll now tell you why this is the case.

5 things you should know beforehand

First things first: They are cheap to produce and you can make good money with cheap products! The sweet, fruity flavors, bright colors and cute shape mean that many parents see them as an opportunity to quickly and easily provide their children with important nutrients - given that there are phases when children shun certain types of fruit and vegetables.

1. All-In-One Vitamin Gummies

Most vitamin gummies contain vitamins for children from A to Z. What seems sensible and simple often poses enormous risks for our children. Overvitaminization. A child does not need all vitamins and trace elements all the time, and certainly not all of them. Children already take in certain vitamins from other products, e.g. beta-carotene as a colorant, vitamin D3 in milk substitute products and, above all, B vitamins in vegan products. Are all-in-one gummies optimal for children? No. Children should avoid them, because even a dosage that is not suitable for children poses risks, especially with regard to B vitamins and fat-soluble vitamin A.

Remember: in the first 12 years of your child's life, the need for different vitamins and minerals varies greatly. Multivitamin gummies are not a solution!

2. Dosage

Usually, 2 gummies are enough to cover your child's entire daily needs. But what happens if your child eats more? The overvitaminization mentioned above can occur. Vitamins are consumed that the small body does not necessarily need and fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body if taken regularly. Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are also often advertised, which in turn are not included in the appropriate dosage - even though they are of great importance for the healthy development of children.

3. Security

Can you really guarantee that your child won't go into the kitchen and take vitamin gummies out of the drawer? There's never any certainty! Children don't understand the difference between their favorite candy and nutritional supplements. To avoid an overdose: store them safely, keep them cool and teach your children to use nutritional supplements responsibly.

4. Ingredients

When making vitamin gummies, synthetic and low-quality vitamins and mineral mixtures are almost always used, as is the case with cheap effervescent tablets. The cheap vitamins are usually present in high doses - the high-quality ones are usually present in small quantities. In addition, the gummies often contain cheap ingredients such as sugar and/or sweeteners, colorings and flavorings, which can have long-term effects on health.

5. Regulation

Vitamin gummies give the impression that children are being given something healthy. They are often produced cheaply, which means that vitamins and minerals of poor quality are used. Children have a sweet tooth and are easily tempted to eat more than is recommended. However, there are currently only a few control bodies that monitor the production and dosage of the nutrients contained in vitamin gummies: The result: children rarely receive the optimal dosage.

Our statement

Vitamin gummies can be an alternative in certain situations. If possible, avoid all-in-one products and pay attention to high-quality production and the daily dosage. Because remember: There is no shortcut to a healthy life. Make sure you and your child have a balanced diet and use nutritional supplements wisely!

We at kindgesund know that it is not always easy to provide our loved ones with the most necessary vitamins and minerals. Parents often have to think of creative ways to trick their children into taking something. However, we think that the trending topic of vitamin gummies is the wrong approach. This form of administration is admittedly tempting for children to simply take two or three more gummies than they need. We believe that the authorities urgently need to regulate this. Furthermore, we do not agree with the concept that sweets can be associated with a healthy lifestyle. After all, they do contain sugar and additives somehow. For these reasons, we have decided not to include gummies in our portfolio.


  • SWR: Candies, gummy bears and co. Vitamins in sweets - how healthy are they?, [23.05.2023].
  • Klartext Nutritional Supplements: Calcium, Vitamin D or Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Do Children Need Nutritional Supplements?, [23.05.2023].
  • Hamburg Consumer Advice Center: Dietary supplements. Vitamin gummy bears from Douglas - is that still possible?, [May 23, 2023].
  • Consumer Center: Calcium, vitamin D or omega-3 fatty acids - do children need nutritional supplements?, [23.05.2023].
  • Apotheken Umschau: Are too many vitamins harmful? You can never consume enough vitamins, right? Yes, you can. It is even more dangerous than many people think, [May 23, 2023].
  • Klartext dietary supplements: The dose makes the poison, [23.05.2023].
  • Stiftung Warentest: Nutritional supplements for children. Superfluous at best, [23.05.2023]