Strengthen children’s immune systems naturally

Kinderimmunsystem natürlich stärken

A scratchy throat, a runny nose and a burning forehead? These are the typical cold symptoms that everyone knows. Children often suffer from these symptoms, especially in the cold season. Perhaps you have already asked yourself how you can strengthen your child in the fight against viruses and the like? Today we will show you how you can best support your child through the cold season in a natural way.

What is the immune system of children like?

Children's immune systems are still quite weak in the first few years of life because they are not yet fully developed and are constantly evolving. Children are particularly susceptible and susceptible to infections during the winter months. It is therefore not uncommon for children to get nine to 12 infections per year. A strong immune system is particularly important at this time so that germs can be recognized and fought off before the infection breaks out completely.

The right diet

A balanced diet rich in vital nutrients is an effective measure for strengthening a child's immune system. The diet should contain important vitamins and trace elements such as iron, selenium, zinc, and vitamins C and D - they help support the immune system.

Many different foods such as fish, vegetables and fruit

Red meat and wholemeal bread are sources of iron, while kohlrabi and peanuts are good for selenium. Zinc can be found in cheese and potatoes. Citrus fruits and peppers contain high amounts of vitamin C, while salmon and eggs provide an adequate supply of vitamin D. It is also important to drink enough fluids. The warm heating air at home draws fluids from the body, which leads to the mucous membranes drying out. Drinking plenty of fluids counteracts the risk of infection and strengthens the mucous membranes' defenses.

Helpful everyday tips

There are a number of tips that can be easily integrated into children's everyday lives. Regular ventilation and plenty of exercise in the fresh air ensure balance and thermoregulation of the body in order to fight infections. Sufficient sleep and appropriate rest periods have a positive effect on the immune system, especially during stressful times. Maintaining a certain hygiene routine, for example by washing hands or sneezing into the crook of the arm, can reduce the risk of infection, but excessive hygiene should be avoided, as otherwise important stimuli for building up a better immune system are missing. Another option is to apply alternating hot and cold baths to children's legs to activate the immune system.

Conclusion on strengthening the immune system of children

Peppers, salmon, citrus fruits, etc.: There are many foods that are not only healthy, but also strengthen children's immune systems. Their range of micronutrients and plant substances makes them unique, but they work best when combined. The combination of the right diet and implementing everyday tips in children's lives plays an important role in maintaining their health and protecting them from infectious diseases.
