Abdominal pain in children

Bauchschmerzen bei Kindern
A rumbling stomach, a hunched posture, a pulling pain. We all know the signs of an upset stomach. And yet it always hits us and our children out of the blue. Coke and pretzel sticks should be a thing of the past long ago - but what helps with stomach pain? Let's get to the bottom of the rumbling first.

The 5 most common causes

Sooner or later, everyone has a stomach ache at one time or another. The pain usually disappears after a short time. Nevertheless, such a nasty twinge can be quite painful for little ones. These are the 5 most common causes of stomach ache:
  1. Fair in the stomach: The little sweet tooths have reached too deep into the candy bowl or the meals were too big and lavish.
  2. Intolerance: Your child may not tolerate certain foods – keep an eye on this and do a test if necessary.
  3. Cold tummy: Too much cold food has been eaten in a short period of time or the tummy has become slightly cold.
  4. Pressure in the stomach: Has your child forgotten to go to the toilet because he was so busy playing?
  5. Bloated stomach: Carbonated water, legumes (lentils, peas, etc.), cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower) cause a bloated stomach and often stomach pain.

What is the best way to treat abdominal pain?

Fennel, anise, caraway. Depending on the cause, a soothing tummy tea can alleviate the symptoms, and a relaxed posture and a tummy massage can reduce the pressure on the stomach area. Cold drinks and food in particular should be consumed with shorter breaks to avoid a cold tummy. Has your child not been to the toilet regularly? Perhaps this will already make them more relaxed. A relaxing bath, followed by a hot water bottle and stories from their favorite book - distraction and loving care help the body and soul.

If symptoms persist, a pediatrician should be consulted promptly.


  • (1) Sana Medizinwelt: Abdominal pain in children, https://www.sana.de/kinder-und-jugendmedizin/bauchschmerzen-bei-kindern#:~:text=Viel%20Kuscheln%2C%20Geschichten%20vorlesen%20oder,eine%20gently%20abdominal%20massage%20Linderung%20verschaffen [08.05.2023].
  • (2) Federal Centre for Health Education: If the child has a stomachache,
    https://www.kindergesundheit-info.de/themen/krankes-kind/krankszeichen/bauchkrebs/#:~:text=Kinder%20leiden%20h%C3%A4ufig%20unter%20Abdominal pain,also%20oft%20Ausl%C3%B6ser%20f%C3%BCr%20Abdominal pain [08.05.2023].
  • (3) German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine: My child has a stomach ache, https://www.dgkj.de/eltern/dgkj-elterninformationen/elterninfo-bauchschmerzen [08.05.2023].