A person holding a box of Omega-3 fish oil capsules for kids.

Zufrieden Gesund

Die tägliche Versorgung deines Kindes mit hochwertigen und frischen Omega-3-Fettsäuren

Cartoon drawing of a smiling yellow dog.

Augengesundheit – trägt zur normalen Funktion 
 der Augen und zur Erhaltung der Sehkraft bei

Cartoon drawing of a smiling yellow dog.

Herzgesundheit – trägt zur Aufrechterhaltung einer 
 normalen Herzfunktion und zur Unterstützung der Herzgesundheit 

Cartoon drawing of a smiling yellow dog.

Gehirnentwicklung – Fördert die normale Entwicklung 
 und Funktion des Gehirns

Join 200k+ who have switched to Sundays for Dogs

Illustration of a stethoscope with a yellow diaphragm and black outline.



A yellow award ribbon with two tails.



Simple icon of an American flag in black and yellow colors.

Made in the


Woman pointing to a box of Omega-3 kids supplements on a blue background.

Wusstest du, dass 8 von 10 Kindern ab 4 Jahren zu wenig Omega-3 über die Nahrung aufnehmen?

White Omega macht es leicht, täglich frisches und optimal dosiertes Omega-3 in bester Qualität zu sich zu nehmen und so die Gesundheit deines Kindes zu unterstützen.

Warum WHITE OMEGA Kids Omega-3
so wertvoll für dein Kind ist

A close-up of a large brown rock with a jagged, textured surface.

Tägliche Omega-3 Versorgung

Aus kleinen Fischen, hochdosiert

Gut für den Planeten

Nachhaltiger Wildfang, umweltfreundliche und verantwortungsvolle Produktion

Always fresh, never fishy

Geschmacks- und Geruchsneutrale Kapseln

'White Omega Kids Omega-3 fish oil supplement packaging.'

Ohne Zusätze

Frei von künstlichen Farb- und Konservierungsstoffen

Unterstützt wichtige 

Fördert Augen-, Herz- und Gehirngesundheit.

Angenehme Einnahme

Dank kleiner Mini-Kapsel (>8mm)

The best food for dogs is Air Dried.

Cooked low and slow to preserve natural nutrients.

Human-Grade Ingredients

No Synthetic Additives

No Prep Required

Over 80% Meat


Bag of kibble and a bowl filled with kibble pieces.

Dry Food

Hill's Science, Purina

Bag of kibble and a bowl filled with kibble pieces.

Fresh Cooked

NomNom, Farmer's Dog

Bag of kibble and a bowl filled with kibble pieces.

In a league of its own

All-natural and complete meals with no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives

A bowl filled with pieces of dark chocolate.

USDA Beef, Beef Heart, Beef Liver, Beef Bone, Quinoa, Pumpkin, Fish Oil, Sunflower Oil, Zucchini, Kale, Flaxseed, Sea Salt, Parsley, Dried Kelp, Dried Chicory Root, Turmeric, Mixed Tocopherols (Preservative), Ginger, Selenium Yeast, Blueberries, Carrots, Apples, Tomatoes, Shiitake Mushrooms, Broccoli, Oranges, Cranberries, Spinach, Beets, Tart Cherries, Strawberries

Raw meat, ginger, blueberries, and vegetables arranged on a wire rack.

We take human-grade, research-backed ingredients

Close-up of a pile of rectangular, dry, brown food pieces.

Gently air-dry them at 160℉ to kill germs and lock in nutrients

Person pouring food into a bowl for a fluffy dog on a countertop.

And deliver to you and your pup in a convenient and delicious package

Adored by dogs, and their parents

From chihuahuas to great danes.


More excited to eat


Softer coat


More energy


Improved weight

Based on Sundays Customer Survey

40% less pricey than fresh-cooked

Because you don't pay for constantly shipped perishable food, you get the same high quality at a fraction of the price.


Frozen Shipping


Human Grade Ingredients

Fresh Cooked


Dry Shipping


Human Grade Ingredients

Text: 'SUNDAYS' in black, arched slightly upward.
A woman holding a box while a dog stands on its hind legs, reaching towards her.

It's hassle-free feeding.

A bowl filled with yellow nachos.

Travel easy — no fridge, mess or cleanup.

Icon of a delivery truck with fast motion lines.

Ships to your door, bi-weekly or monthly.

Illustration of a frying pan with butter melting inside.

No thawing, fridge packs, heavy boxes, or wet mess.


Woman smiling with a joyful dog in a grassy park.

On a mission to become the world's healthiest and most convenient dog food.

We've spent 3 years and over 17 formulations improving flavor, texture, and digestibility, based on your observations, dogs habits, and latest scientific research. We've arrived at what we think is the world's healthiest, and most convenient dog food.

Learn more about Sundays